
Showing posts from April, 2024

Recommender System

 In today's digital age, recommender system are essential for helping people find relevant material products and services based on their tastes, since there are so many options available to them that can be overwhelming. Our personalised internet experiences are powered by these clever algorithms which can do anything like suggesting films in different websites and provide shopping recommendations in different online store. This topic was very different from other lessons and it was also interesting to learn new things. In this lesson we didn't use C language like in other lessons rather we worked with Python. The fundamental idea is that users and customers' interest and behaviours are scanned by computers, which subsequently provide recommendations based on the interest of other specific consumers in groups. This is also known as collaborative filtering. It makes the use of collective knowledge gathered form users' interaction with objects to forecast a users preferen

Main Project- MIDI Keyboard Light Displayer

 For our final project, our group carefully picked an interesting topic which is to display the different colours from DMX light box using the MIDI keyboard with arduino. It's main purpose is to like capture the vibe while playing the keyboard. While playing the keyboard it would generate a different types of colour from DMX light box. Each keyboard button would generate a different colour like red, green, blue and so on.            We did our project in class only, as we were not able to do it at home and also we had a little time so, we were not able to make it perfect. Our original plan was to make like to add the sound in keyboard but due to little time we were not able to make it. However, we were able to complete the project at the last moment. And also, we were able to show our project in the STEM FAIR which was the program conducted by university. Many people saw our project and they were happy about it.  Overall, this project was little tough. We had to first work on the D

Running an Artificial Neural Networks on an Arduino Uno -06/12/23

 In this lesson, we used our Arduino to run an Artificial Neural Network which uses Machine Learning Algorithms. This was the perfect project to learn about machine learning and the basics of artificial intelligence. The program was designed to interpret the segments displayed on an LED numerical display to solve the corresponding binary number. An artificial neural network is a segment of code which learns how to respond to inputs based on examples sets of inputs and outputs. They are very powerful tools and use in autonomous vehicles and facial recognition system and pattern recognition. A good example of it is in handwriting recognition. One of the key principles, in an artificial neural network is that the network needs to be trained. So, first the program starts with the untrained values. We need to run the serial monitor to see this values. After that, the program runs in training cycle to solve the answer which is needed and the picture is attached below. There is a problem with

Editing video 04-10-2023

  For this task, the teacher divided a group of three for us. The task is about shooting the video and editing it. The work was divided for three of us. One has to shoot the video and and give a presentation about the video and later edit the video.   The main idea of the project was to make how the virtual reality (VR) is used to shift the stage. It makes you feel like you are on a live concert and enjoying it. For this we used a headset which helps you to connect the server which takes you to the completely different world.   To make this possible our group used Da Vinci Resolve as the editing software. The aim was to make the video look like you are enjoying the live concert. We made a video of like 2 minutes where one can enjoy the concert through VR.  In addition, this is the standard for most video sites. It was very challenging as we had only three hours to complete the group work with little no experience and knowledge. However, with the help of online resources we made it to